Books on the Rail – journeys with words

Two of my books have recently been released into the wild on Melbourne trams and trains by a project called Books on the Rail.

books-on-the-rail vagabondage


books-on-the-rail Party 9-16

Thank you Ali and Mitch, and thanks also to UWAPublishing for supplying copies of Vagabondage. I hope both books found someone who enjoyed them and enjoys passing them on again.

If you have found a Books on the Rail book on a tram or train, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. And if you haven’t considered poetry as a good commute-read, maybe check out some books from your library or through good bookshops or websites that sell poetry. It’s a great way to be immersed in words while also giving space for pondering and looking out the window in between poems. And a great way to inspire your own creative train of thoughts/words.

And you can find Books on the Rail on FaceBook and Twitter.

And read more about them in this article here.

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