How to get a copy of Body of Words CDs
and/or Box of Words CD-ROM:
Bookshops can order the Body of Words double CD through ABG book distribution. The RRP (incl. GST) for individual copies is $33. (If your favourite bookshop doesn't have it, ask them to order it.)
If you are from a school or tertiary institution and would like copies of Body of Words and the companion Box of Words cd-rom for your library -- or multiple class copies or network rights --ask your Library supplier, or contact dogmedia direct.
If you are a school, you can send a Purchase Order.
Or you can simply email and tell us what you want.
The recommended price for the set -- the double CD and the CD-ROM (which includes all teaching materials and audio mp3s) -- is $88 including GST.
If you are from outside Australia and would like a copy, contact us for shipping costs. (Click here to convert from Australian dollars into your currency.)
However please note: if you are from a school that is not well-resourced and would like to have a copy to use for teaching - please contact us and tell us about your school, and we can work out a cheap price or a donation.
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